A Few Terms and Definitions to Consider
Definitions from The Daily Bell
Anglo-American Axis
The Anglo-American axis, within the context of the power elite, is the unacknowledged cultural cradle of the latest effort to consolidate countries and governments into a global order. One needs to see the axis from a historical perspective to understand its evolution and the strength that it derives from successive waves of immigration.
From Wikipedia we learn that "Anglo-Saxons" – the Germanic tribes that entered England after the fall of Rome – drove the indigenous people out of most of the region and into Wales. There were at least three tribes. First, the Angles from Angeln, the whole nation of which apparently entered Britain, "leaving their former land empty." (The etymology, then, would be Anglo-Saxon 'Engla land' or 'Ængla land'.) Second, were the Saxons from Lower Saxony and, third, apparently, the Jutes from Denmark.
The Anglo-Saxons in England were in turn invaded by the Viking Normans. According to Wikipedia, "The name 'Normans' derives from 'Northmen' or 'Norsemen', after the Vikings from Scandinavia who founded (French) Normandy. ... In 1066, Duke William II of Normandy conquered England killing King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England ... Eventually, the Normans merged with the natives, combining languages and traditions. In the course of the Hundred Years war, the Norman aristocracy often identified themselves as English. The Anglo-Norman language became distinct from the French language."
There was yet, perhaps, one more cultural overlay, a most controversial one and part of what may be termed "secret history." This, according to certain historians was a migration of various Venetian banking families to England during a period of perhaps 200 years (1500-1700). These wealthy and powerful families, some apparently with Jewish antecedents, are said to have established themselves within the independent enclave of the "City of London" a financial district and the epicenter of world-spanning Anglo-American financial power. Eventually, these families, inter-marrying with Anglo-Saxons, are said to have become part of the royalty of Britain with familial branches through Europe and especially in Germany, France and Italy.
The "Anglo" power elite that emerged from the above waves of conquest, if such "secret history" is deemed to be true, was highly militant and manipulative – perhaps the most ruthless and vibrant power-culture on the planet. It utilized fiat money and central banking as tools to impose its will throughout Europe. Set back by the communication explosion of the Gutenberg press and resultant Reformation, it nonetheless persevered and created, eventually, a "democratic" facade of governance behind which it could continue to exercise leadership and further consolidate hidden authority.
The American exception, especially as enunciated by the American libertarian philosopher and statesman Thomas Jefferson, was a conscious attempt to break away from the mercantile authoritarianism of Europe and the Anglo power elite. These "united States of America" were successful in pursuing a republican, agrarian legislative order until the "War Between the States" – partially funded by New York banks controlled by the Anglo elite – put an end to the Republic and ushered in a new order, the Anglo-American axis.
It is this Anglo-American axis (a "special relationship") that has dominated the Western world for the past 150 years. It is a secretive and closely guarded group of families and individuals with enormous wealth derived from the implementation of mercantilist central banking. In recent years, America has provided the military power and to a large extent the corporate vehicles that have projected the "one world" vision of the Anglo-American elite throughout the West, and even to Africa and Asia.
The ruthless progress of the Anglo-American axis – or Empire – depended in large part on secrecy and on the implementation of fear-based dominant social themes that were used to control the expanding populace and to further consolidate wealth and power. These themes
were promoted through an intricate array of think tanks, universities and government organizations that first presented the concepts and then provided authoritarian solutions. The introduction of the Internet, like the Gutenberg press before it, has exposed the machinations of the Anglo-American power elite and made visible the secret mechanisms of control via dominant social themes.
The Anglo-American power axis is currently in retreat, its authoritarian promotions giving way to increasingly failed attempts at manipulation via outright force and the implementation of legislation that has not been properly promoted. Since it is impossible for a few thousand to harry the world's billions into submission via brute authoritarianism, one would assume at some point that the latest efforts at global governance would be abandoned and the Anglo-American power elite would take a step back to come up with new control methodologies as they have before.
The myth of the Banker Jew, and of money-grubbing and devious Jews generally, is one of historical popularity. Jews as a religious tribe have often experienced attacks in the larger community of nations – from Egypt which expelled them and Rome which oppressed them.
There are even various theories that the modern Jew is a descendent of a middle European, warlike tribe that converted to Judaism way back in the 11th century and provides most of the Jews for Israel in the modern era. This is controversial.
In the modern era, Jews are blamed for 9/11, for Western wars, for "bankster" central banking and other disasters of modern society.
But free-market thinking should give the individual observer pause before he or she too easily subscribes to these beliefs. Is it the Jew himself or herself -- something intrinsic to Jewish personality -- that gives rise to these suspicions?
In fact, absent government involvement, Jews would not be capable of accomplishing any of these nefarious objectives (were they to have done so).
The problem is not Jews, or even Zionists, therefore, if one accepts free-marketing thinking, but a handful of powerful individuals (some of who may be Jewish) who utilize government power (and public/private central banking) in order to promote private agendas.
To the degree that Israel is a theocracy, the problems are compounded and the strategies become realizable. In any event, the use of government levers to achieve individual private ends -- commercial (or even religious) -- is called MERCANTILISM (see below), the realizing of private goals for individuals or small groups through public means.
City of London
The City of London the historic central core of London is an independent entity about a mile square. Britain's financial services industry and central bank (Bank of England) are located in the City of London. There is a London Corporation that runs the City; it is not run by greater London. It has its own police force and is headed a Lord Mayor. About 10,000 people call the City "home" but nearly 350,000 work in the City of London including many lawyers and litigators. Historically, the City harkens back to Roman London, founded around 50AD and known as Londinium.
The City waxed and waned for centuries but by the 16th century was taking on its modern profile as a banking and commercial center. A stock exchange was eventually founded and many international merchants made their headquarters in the City. But the 18th century, Britain's Industrial Revolution was beginning and the Empire itself was expanding. London spread out far beyond the City of London, but the City of London itself gained enormous power as the British conquered one-fourth of the world, colony by colony.
The City of London has its own motto: "Domine dirige nos" – "Lord, direct (guide) us." It has its own coat of arms and flag. It maintains its unique status as perhaps the world's oldest incorporated city, with 25 wards that also serve as political districts. Each ward has an Alderman and Beadles, as well as a Ward Club – something like a residents' association. The City of London supports performing arts centers and administers the Bridge House Trust, which in turn supervises the famous bridges of central, including London Bridge and Blackfriars Bridge.
All this is somewhat beside the point, however. What the City of London actually is in reality, is the epicenter of an Anglo-American power elite that has dominated world finance for 500 years or more. The elite's modern genealogy is said to include Venetian bankers who arrived in Britain and intermarried with English royalty. Today, the world's most powerful families make the City of London either their home or base of operations. Even the Queen of England bows before she enters the City of London and when she walks in ceremonial parades, her place is a few steps behind the Lord Mayor.
Today, the City of London is the epicenter of central banking worldwide. It is the place from which world wars have emanated and plans for global conquest are apparently hatched there even today. The fear-based dominant social themes that the power elite uses to extract wealth and power from Western middle classes have their home in the City of London. The UN and League of Nations were given birth there.
The EU was likely conceived there. Every centralizing influence in the world today of any note has its roots in the City of London or its sister-municipalities – Washington DC and the Vatican. These three "independent" city-states function as a trilogy of money power, the building blocks of the New World Order, the epicenter of an effort that apparently seeks to organize the world into one large medieval plantation.
The City of London may seem like a quaint, historical backwater but it likely lies at the heart of the world's current turmoil. The Rothschilds themselves do business out of the City of London and the vastness of resources located in and around the City of London must number in the tens or even hundreds of trillions. Money power is centralized in the City of London and has never been dispersed, despite ever-present talk about how the "City" is losing its clout as a major financial player. It is not.
Dominant Social Theme
A dominant social theme is a belief system (usually concerning a purported social or natural problem) launched by the monetary elite that grows into an archetype or meme, usually after much repetition. The problem may be centered on people themselves (overpopulation) or caused by people (global warming).
Dominant social themes often are launched from the centers of the power elite's global architecture, including the United Nations, World Bank, World Trade Organization and World Health Organization, where the related problems are declared to be such. The themes are
then rebroadcast by the mainstream media.
The hallmarks of a problem that drives a dominant social theme are:
* The problem is presented as one that can be solved only by those in authority.
* The prescribed solution requires action by, and greater authority for, social and political institutions that are distant from the societies they pretend to benefit.
* Reminders of the problem persist no matter how much evidence appears that the problem is fictitious, trivial or irremediable.
* The problem may co-exist in the public's mind with other purported problems with which it is inconsistent.
The United Nations is an example of an authority-based solution to a problem proposed by a dominant social theme. The problem is international conflict, including war. The solution is for national governments to be made subject to a worldwide authority.
The European Union is the United Nations writ small. The problem is isolated national markets and a lack of economic cooperation. The solution is for the national governments of Europe to be made subject to a European authority.
Other examples of problems that support dominant social themes are:
Bird flu: Even though it is rarely communicable from human to human, the disease is promoted as an extraordinary problem by emphasizing the high rate of mortality among the few people infected. This encourages the militarization of health care, supports planning for a "state of emergency" in Western countries and makes quarantining entire populations acceptable to the public. It also enriches Big Pharma and its shareholders by creating demand for vaccines and other drugs.
Swine flu: This disease is the thematic complement of bird flu. Even though the mortality rate is unremarkable by the standard of seasonal flu, the disease is promoted as an extraordinary problem by emphasizing the ease with which it is communicated from human to human. This encourages the militarization of health care, supports planning for a "state of emergency" in Western countries and makes quarantining entire populations acceptable to the public. It also enriches Big Pharma and its shareholders by creating demand for vaccines and other drugs.
Peak oil: Belief that oil supplies are on the verge of exhaustion justifies rising oil prices, for the benefit of producers, and provides a rationale for energy-efficiency regulations (to the benefit of certain manufacturers) and for subsidies for companies involved with "alternative energy" (biodiesel, solar, wind power and others). It also supports the promotion of public companies
associated with energy alternatives.
Central banking: The idea that depressions are caused by free markets and by constraints on the supply of money imposed by a redeemable currency support the necessity of giving unlimited discretionary power to central banks that preside over fiat currencies. The manipulation of the fiat currencies can generate enormous wealth for favored parties.
The creation and exploitation of dominant social themes has been aided by the growth of modern, centralized mass media. The Internet, which decentralizes the power for mass communication, threatens the ability to invent and control dominant social themes.
Power Elite
The term "power elite" traces to the writings of C. Wright Mills, including his 1956 book, The Power Elite. The concept posits wealthy and/or well connected families and individuals who seek to expand their wealth by applying and promoting dominant social themes. Such themes may eventually develop into widely held archetypes or memes.
Often such themes seem to originate with the United Nations, World Bank, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization or other international bodies that are receptive to influence by the power elite. The themes then are picked up and rebroadcast by the mainstream media. Thus, what may seem to be the work of an independent institutional staff may actually be the brainchild of the power elite.
Concepts such as bird flu, Islamofascism and peak oil are so extensively promoted that much of the public unquestioningly accepts their fearful premises and demand action. Those with the wherewithal to provide solutions – products, services and corporate offerings via public markets – may earn vast profits as a consequence.
There is little contemporary scholarly analysis of the concept of the power elite, but it corresponds roughly to what once was called "the money power."
There are a variety of theories as to the composition and character of the power elite. It sometimes is referred to ominously as the "Illuminati," the "black church" or the "black nobility." It is not necessary to confirm such characterizations to recognize that the action and influence of modern money power are pervasive.
In most conceptions, the core of the power elite coalesces around the European and American banking dynasties and some elite, titled families, or it may be characterized as a "sub-church" within the Roman Catholic, Jewish or other religion. Chief among these dynasties are likely the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
In some conceptions, the power elite includes members who claim to trace their ancestry to ancient times, even to Babylon and beyond.
This accords with the notion that members believe their pedigrees differentiate them from the "common herd."
Signifiers of power elite activity include a disdain of free-markets and the persistent and uncritical promotion of a theme or meme to the exclusion of contrary evidence or argument.
Mercantilism is the use of the state to fulfill ones personal objectives and self interest. The use of the state, conflating private with public, allows the individual or small group to obtain clout that would otherwise not be feasible.
MERCANTILISM, the realizing of private goals for individuals or small groups through public means, has a long and ancient history, doubtless as long as humankind itself. From the beginning of the Neolithic when humankind invented cities, humans sought mercantilist advantage.
Wherever there have been seats of power, there has been mercantilism which eventually the corrodes the process of the state and infuriates its citizens. The American exception was set up to counteract mercantilism by diffusing power in such a way that would be no one place that a mercantilist entity could find a forceful enough lever of power to pull.
But over time the American system's power has been concentrated nonetheless. Individuals running for federal and even state office are now willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to gain access to concentrations of power.
Of course America is not alone in its concentrations of power in the modern age. The European Union has concentrated power extensively at the top and so has China. Each of these modern states is in its own way an invitation to mercantilism. In fact, one could say that an energetic power elite, behind much of the organization of great Western states, has created these systems in this matter so as to enhance mercantilist convenience.
The most prominent modern mercantilist movement, of course, is the long-term effort by the power elite to utilize Western governments for any one of a number global promotions. Perhaps the strongest of these is the central banking promotion itself, which combines every aspect of public power with private banking.
The power elite, the larger monetary elite and the public bureaucracy have all combined to create the central banking dominant social theme. The most powerful example of this theme or meme is the US Federal Reserve, which is in every way a mercantilist endeavor – conflating the public good with private interests.
Run by the elite, developed secretly by the elite, the Fed poses as a public benefit when in fact its decisions are made by a handful of private men and the money it prints out of thin air must necessarily benefit the "powers that be" that created the Fed in the first place. It may be that historians look back and declare that the 20th century and parts of the 21st are to be known as the "Mercantilist Era."
New World Order (NWO)
Many have postulated an Anglo-American elite that seeks one world governance – a kind of New World Order (also known as One World Order). Such speculation is commonly derided by the mainstream news establishment as "conspiracy theory." Those who are involved in such speculation see various patterns at play within the larger sociopolitical environment at work in the world today. Their perspectives may be supported by various evidences that there is a conspiracy and that the conspirators are those who seek to saddle the world with such a New World Order.
Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill both apparently used the term "new world order" after their respective world wars to describe the new nature of the world's environment. The idea was that a host of internationalist, collective instrumentalities could be grafted onto nation-states without affecting nations' rights to self-determination. The United Nations, NATO, WHO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements are just some of the overarching facilities that were created in the 20th century as a result.
The early and mid-20th century were a kind of heyday for these inter-global elements because of various socialist and progressive public movements that tilted sentiment toward globalist-oriented solutions. But in the 21st century with the ruin of these instrumentalities so evident and obvious, there is possibly a good deal less support. The support for the European Union, for instance, was very strong in the 20th century and for a few years into the 21st century. But now with the difficulties that the EU faces, it is probably likely that the populaces of many countries would rethink their entrée if they could.
Whether one believes in a New World Order or not, there are plenty of prominent people that have commented on it, including various writers such as H. G. Wells. He defined the New World Order as a kind of technocracy where skilled people would plan the world scientifically. This is analogous to Plato's suggestion for Utopia planned by "wise ones." Today, the term technocracy has dropped from popularity but the ideas behind technocracy-oriented (Platonic) solutions remain.
The 1960s saw the rise of various right wing elements, including in the US the John Birch Society that denounced the "insiders" – basically wealthy elitists – who ran the world and claimed these individuals wanted to set up totalitarian communism. Gary Allen, in his 1971 famous book None Dare Call It Conspiracy (see below) became a main spokesman for the Birchers and their perspectives. The suspicions of those who research or read seriously about such theories were heightened when George H. W. Bush gave a 1990 speech to Congress explaining how he intended to take advantage of the fall of the USSR to create a closer and more amicable world.
What was the reaction? Some likened it to an "electric shock" going through those groups and individuals who believed that there were elites running the world and aiming for a New World Order. Evangelist Pat Robertson soon wrote the book "The New World Order," which became a best-seller. It strung together the various elements of supposed elite control including, according to a Wikipedia summary, "Wall Street, the Federal Reserve System, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission. [These] control the flow of events from behind the scenes, nudging us constantly and covertly in the direction of world government for the Antichrist."
Wikipedia itself takes a non-judgmental view toward conspiracy theory in general. But in fact, this is probably a little like taking a non-judgmental approach to mortality. One can debate whether or not death exists, but sooner or later one will know for sure it does.
For anyone who uses today's Internet to research "one-world order" conspiracies the facts will soon snap into place. There is a nascent New World Order. Intergenerational elites have worked patiently for its fulfillment for at least a century, perhaps much longer. To deny the overwhelming flood of websites devoted to one-world governance and the obvious patterns enunciated therein is certainly possible. But it is more difficult every day.
Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theory used to refer to any putative conspiracy. Today, it is used by some – over and over – to discredit those who claim that there is an Anglo-American power elite intent on taking over the world. There very obviously is a New World Order taking shape today. But the more people try to mention it, the more the words "Conspiracy Theory" are used to denigrate their perceptions.
The main criticism of those who try to explain today's world events is that they have "no proof." Of course there is no proof because the powers-that-be run the intelligence agencies that would provide the proof and own the mainstream media that would tend to investigate but instead ignore patterns that are clearly globalist.
In fact the conspiracy actually lies with those who continually suppress evidence about what is going on. The patterns are unmistakable even if the proof is not immediately at hand. Ironically when the proof does surface as with global warming emails that showed clearly there was a cover-up underway – to surprises evidence that did not support global warming – such evidence is not examined by the mainstream press but in a sense suppressed.
Despite the best efforts of the Anglo-American power elite to suppress evidence of their New World Order conspiracy the Internet has virtually blown up the secrecy with which they have operated. This has put the elite into the odd position of denying what it is clearly evident on the Internet itself – thousands of blogs and alternative news services that track the unfolding globalization of money power.
Today there is a world court, an international political body (the UN) and the International Monetary Fund is attempting to set up a world currency. Still, the powers-that-be deny that the world is centralizing or that the goal is one-world government. There is a European Union, an African Union and many believe that a Union of the Americas is on its way shortly. The power elite denies such plans and claims that those who are presenting such arguments have no proof and are merely indulging in fanciful flights of fancy.
In fact these arguments might have obfuscated the issue several decades ago but today people are beginning to get angry about their financial and political situation versus money power. As problems deepen more and more will turn to the Internet and alternative media to find out what is actually occurring in the world. Protestations that such information constitutes a conspiracy will likely be less and less effective. Conspiracy Theory may come into its own.
Money Power
The term money power has long and illustrious ancient history. It is interesting to note however that Wikipedia has no definition for it. The phrase was popular in the 19th century and even in the early 20th century, but as regulatory democracy gathered strength in the US and the UK, the term fell out of favor. During the later 20th century at the height of Anglo-American elite, mainstream media controlled terms such as money power and fiat-money were seen as shocking remnants of a conspiratorial discussion that had no relevance to modern society.
Nonetheless, money power exists and is wielded ruthlessly by the Anglo-American power elite that has amassed astounding, unimaginable wealth. Today, as the Internet forcibly relaxes the grip of the power elite (at least momentarily) the term is making something of a comeback. There are over 1.5 million Google cites featuring the term "money power."
Here are some historical quotes by notable people about money power:
Abraham Lincoln – "In a letter written to William Elkin less than five months before he was assassinated: "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war."
Woodrow Wilson – "In The New Freedom" (1913): "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
William McAdoo – "President Wilson's national campaign vice-chairman, wrote in Crowded Years (1974): "The fact is that there is a serious danger of this country becoming a pluto-democracy; that is, a sham republic with the real government in the hands of a small clique of enormously wealth men, who speak through their money, and whose influence, even today, radiates to every corner of the United States."
Thomas Jefferson – "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
American Mercury Magazine (December 1957, pg. 92) – "The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism and Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of World Government."
Fiat Money
Fiat money is the opposite of honest money. Fiat money is money that is declared to have value even if it does not. Honest money has value regardless of what people say. Gold and silver are often referred to as honest money and since they have been dug out of the ground at considerable expense, they do have value regardless. People will pay variable sums for them.
Fiat money is also known as paper money, or electronic money. Since there is nothing behind paper money but the obligation of a state to redeem it in more paper or electronic money, fiat money's ultimate worth is questionable at best. In fact, there is a history of states walking away from the face value of the fiat money that has been printed (created). But if one has it in one's possession, it is impossible to walk away from the value of gold and silver – and contrary to fiat money, they have an inherent quality.
Mainly an outgrowth of central banking, in the modern age, fiat money probably would not be attractive without state support. That's because fiat money, unlike fractional reserve money, has no inherent value. Fractional reserve banking, in fact, is a private market phenomenon in which private banks provide paper notes the face value of which adds up to more than the reserves held by the bank. There is a history of successful fractional reserve banking efforts within the private marketplace, however fiat money ALWAYS collapses, as it is impossible to issue a substance of value year after year and generation after generation that HAS no value.
In the United States, the world's largest and most dominant economy, the greenback became a fiat currency when President Richard Nixon broke the final link between gold and the dollar in 1971. He did this because the French were apparently threatening to redeem their dollars in gold – and neither the US central bank and/or Treasury did not have enough gold to redeem French greenbacks or chose not to.
In any event, Nixon severed the dollar's relationship to gold and ever since then the world has embarked on a "bold experiment" in which the global, anchor currency has no specific relationship to an underlying asset. Predictably, this has meant that the United States has continually created more and more fiat dollars, thus inflating the overall stock of dollars and making them worth less and less.
China, one of the world's most ancient civilizations, is said to have had no less than eight separate interregnums of fiat currency – each collapsing and then being replaced by another. In the 1800s, fiat money was even banned by the Chinese. Today, however, the Chinese government is once again a user of fiat money along with the rest of the world. Fiat money has never been so prevalent perhaps as in the modern age. But that doesn't make it any healthier or less prone to failure. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Fractional Reserve Banking
This is a hotly contested term within the libertarian community. Basically, those who are negative about the practice of Fractional Reserve Banking claim it is a cartel controlled fraud and that bankers who practice Fractional Reserve Banking are criminals and ought to be put in jail and the practice shut down.
Essentially, Fractional Reserve Banking has to do with the bank producing more notes for customers than it has gold in its depository.
This was a historical evolution and proponents argue that it is a practice that can be seen in other industries. Airlines provide more tickets to passengers than there are seats. Companies take in fees for machinery that is not yet built and then use just-in-time practices to create the desired equipment.
Proponents of Fractional Reserve Banking also claim it has historical authenticity and that the market ought to decide on the practice, not some higher (presumably statist or communal authority). This latter was apparently the view of Ludwig von Mises, who believed that in a market setting the populace would eventually reject Fractional Reserve Banking. But he did not want to see it "banned" by government authority, rarther let the free-arket decide.
The vitriol about PRIVATE Fractional Reserve Banking in the modern era of free-market thinking may be traced to the famous, idiosyncratic free-market thinker and influential (if polarizing) economist Murray Rothbard. Rothbard was in some sense a possessive student of the great Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises and adopted his positions and took them in some cases much farther than Mises had. He did this in part because he had a competitive nature and was arguably in competition with Mises' other famous students such as FA Hayek.
Some of Rothbard's elaborations on Mises' points of view were brilliant and Rothbard promulgated an entire theory of anarcho-capitalism merely be extending Mises' thought in logical directions. But when it came to monetary issues, Rothbard exaggerated certain Misesian tendencies and came up with prescriptions that in some cases actually tended to reduce market forces. This can be seen in his focus on "mandated" gold-as-money and also as regards Fractional Reserve Banking.
Both the insistence on gold-as-money and on Fractional Reserve Banking as a crime have created the current polarized environment within the libertarian community. It is partially personality driven. No one in the Austrian community would argue that central-banking driven Fractional Reserve Banking is a tolerable practice and most would decrie it as an outright fraudulent practice. However, when it comes to PRIVATE Fractional Reserve Banking, there is certainly a case to be made, historically and practically, that it is an evolution that may inevitably arise and that it is one the free market ought to deal with – via open and transparent competition between banks – rather than some unnamed authoritarian force that will govern certain bank practices while censoring others. It remains a controversial issue within the libertarian community and one that has not by any means yet been resolved.
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is another malevolent invention of the Anglo-American elite, also pushed forward in the modern era by David Rockefeller. Located in New York, it "advises" US political regimes and has been active since 1921. The CFR's mission:
"[To provide] a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries."
The CFR maintains a think tank, which is called, unsurprisingly the "David Rockefeller Studies Program." It is made up of 50 scholars a number of fellows who receive scholarships to study American foreign policy and recommend courses of action that are then made available to the larger public, academia and of course the mainstream media.
Foreign Affairs has long been the CFR's main journal, and in the past has been used as a kind of elite template. Those who wished to find out what wars and ruin the elites intended to foment could read the journal to see. Often the Journal published predictive articles as such plots had to be rationalized before they could be put into action. One of the more famous series of articles in the journal was published in the 1970s and involved an upcoming crisis between Islam and the West. That has, in fact, occurred.
The CFR has its own history of development, but rather than present it in all of its inaccuracies and obfuscations, we shall simply assert that the CFR is fundamentally an outgrowth of elite-funded Cecil Rhodes (after whom Rhodesia was named). Rhodes was an unabashed royalist who believed in England's manifest destiny. Perhaps an agent or protégé of the Rothschilds, Rhodes was extremely successful in extracting wealth from Africa, which mightily increased Britain's wealth and his own as well.
He used some of his accrued fortune to set up his Rhodes Scholarships and also to fund the Royal Institute of International Affairs and its sister organization in America, the CFR. These institutes were positioned as think tanks but were actually designed to control the political processes of the Anglo-American imperium and to shape it so that it further represented the interests of the Rothschild-affiliated banking classes.
Today, the CFR is one of the longest running of elite organizations and claims some 5,000 members and has produced numerous highly ranked officials in many US administrations as its sister Institute no doubt has in Britain. It has influence with the CIA and armed forces as well. Seven American presidents have made speeches to the CFR and Bill Clinton and George W. Bush did so while still in office.
It is useless to recite the CFR's many denials of its influence on US presidential administrations. They are patently false. The CFR and its satellite think tanks and affiliated academic and media organizations remain enormously influential. Theoretical support for America's serial wars, its endless funding of internationalist organizations and its enthusiastic support of the central banking, fiat money controlled economies can all be seen to have emanated from the CFR. It remains a preeminent fount of mischief and supporter and organizer of the US military industrial complex, which supports the larger internationalist aims of the City of London and its Rothschild-led banking elite.
Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, who earlier in the decade founded the Club of Rome. (He had a busy early 1970s.) He was also Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations when he founded these organizations, so one could say that David Rockefeller achieved a "trifecta" of internationalism at this time. Among all the outfront globalists, David Rockefeller has pride of place, given his initiatives and leading positions.
Rockefeller supposedly first proposed the organization in1972 at a Bilderberg conference but it did not receive much positive response.
His description: the organization could "be of help to government by providing measured judgment." Despite the cold reception, Rockefeller went ahead and perhaps his suggestion to the Bilderbergers was merely a formality.
Zbigniew Brzezinski resigned from Columbia University to help Rockefeller form the group. Also Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker, both of whom became chairmen of the Federal Reserve system. Rockefeller founded the startup along with the Ford Foundation. The first meeting was apparently held at Rockefeller's NY Pocantico estate and attended by 250 of the world's industrial, bureaucratic and economic elite. The Commission was formally inaugurated in 1973. Today, there are 350 members, a magazine called Trialogue and a continued emphasis on building relationships between Europe, Asia and the US.
A 1975 "Outline for Remaking World Trade and Finance, stated: "Close Trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace, in managing the world economy, and in fostering economic development and in alleviating world poverty, will improve the chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system."
Another document stated: "The overriding goal is to make the world safe for interdependence by protecting the benefits which it provides for each country against external and internal threats which will constantly emerge from those willing to pay a price for more national autonomy ... More frequently however, it will call for checking the intrusion of national government into the international exchange of both economic and non-economic goods."
Senator Barry Goldwater wrote the following in With No Apologies: "In my view, the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.
All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community ... As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future."
According to The August Report, the Trilateral Commission retains enormous clout. "For anyone who doubts the Commission's continuing influence on [President Barack] Obama, consider that he has already appointed no less than eleven members of the Commission to top-level and key positions in his Administration ... According to official Trilateral Commission membership lists, there are only 87 members from the United States (the other 337 members are from other regions). Thus, in less than two weeks since his inauguration, Obama's appointments encompass more than 12% of Commission's entire U.S. membership."
As follows:
* Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner
* Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice
* National Security Advisor, Gen. James L. Jones
* Deputy National Security Advisor, Thomas Donilon
* Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee, Paul Volker
* Director of National Intelligence, Admiral Dennis C. Blair
* Assistant Secretary of State, Asia & Pacific, Kurt M. Campbell
* Deputy Secretary of State, James Steinberg
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Haass
* State Department, Special Envoy, Dennis Ross
* State Department, Special Envoy, Richard Holbrooke
The Bilderberg group, a secretive organization of powerful Western elites held its first meeting at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands in 1954. It was founded in part by Józef Retinger who recruited Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands to the cause. A former Nazi, Bernhard, along with Belgian Prime Minister Paul Van Zeeland, and Walter Bedell Smith, then head of the CIA, helped organize the initial conference.
The first meeting led to an annual conference and then to a permanent Steering Committee and it is this committee today that continues to organize and coordinate Bilderberg affairs. Given the enormous publicity that Bilderberg meetings generate in the era of the Internet, members are rightly shy about appearing to have any considerable influence on world affairs. A Wikipedia entry on the Bilderbergs quotes the following 2008 defensive press release regarding Bilderberg activities: "Bilderberg's only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued."
What are some of the issues that Bilderbergers discuss during their non-binding and highly secretive meetings that include "no votes and no resolutions?" The 2008 agenda apparently included "a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran." Of course, the devil is in the details. Critics of this unelected elite body maintain that such subject matter is not in any sense educational and that significant decisions and made and blueprints for their implementation are designed.
Lately, the stance of Western power elites has been to admit that such organizations exist, while downplaying their influence. The Economist magazine, a major elite mouthpiece, recently addressed the issue of an unelected elite power structure by affirming that yes, there was indeed a "cosmopolitan elite" that "flock[ed] together" but that gatherings of such individuals did not imply an "an evil conspiracy bent on world domination."
More from the Economist: "The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around. To run a multinational organization, it helps if you have a rough idea of what is going on. It also helps to be on first-name terms with other globocrats. So the cosmopolitan elite – international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers – constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings ... They form clubs."
In fact, there is not much the Anglosphere can do at this point but admit the reality of the organizational superstructure that has been created. It is a reportorial staple on the Internet. Google Bilderberg and nearly two million cites come up. Query Council on Foreign Relations and Google will provide nearly four million cites. Many blog sites and articles offer informed speculation that predicts the strategic maneuverings of the power elite even before it takes place.
Western power elites will continue to form un-elected international organizations, such as the Bilderberg Group, and meet as secretly as possible to "discuss" world events. But times are changing. It is possible that Western elites do not have the answers, or that larger Western populations will not continue to accept the solutions that elites are offering them. Has Bilderbergs time come and gone?
The Illuminati are supposedly a still-extant secret society run by modern banking elites. The initial Bavarian Illuminati is a historically documented secret society founded in 1776.
There is considerable controversy whether an Illuminati (enlightened ones) exists today. Conspiratorial historians are convinced it is so, yet there is not definitive proof of this. A modern Illuminati is said to exist at the topmost levels of the Masons – of something called freemasonry, actually. Conspiratorial historians believe that the Illuminati orchestrate world events and intend to create one-world government.
The Jesuit Adam Weishaupt is said to have founded the initial order, which stressed rational thought and the goal of creating a "heaven on earth" rather than waiting for heaven after death. Some believe the movement from the beginning was focused on satanic worship.
The movement because of its secrecy was very successful and soon numbered many powerful people including Karl Theodor who was ruler of Bavaria and a backer of what has been called "Enlightened Despotism." But in 1784, he banned the Illuminati claiming it was a subversive and corrupting influence.
The order was nonetheless increasingly successful and had branches throughout Europe, numbering as many as 2,000 members for a time including the famous German writer and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Supposedly the order went into decline after the death of Weishaupt but there is plenty of speculation that the order never succumbed and is more powerful and healthy in the modern era than ever before.
It is the Internet, to some degree, that has been responsible for the idea that the Illuminati is still prevalent and powerful. Though definitive proof remains elusive, there are literally thousands of sites mentioning the Illuminati or dedicated to covering its activities – many without any evidence. Assertion of its existence seems to suffice for some in many cases.
Whether or not there is an Illuminati – whether it is orchestrating humankind's events and outcomes and whether it is the religion of the future – remains hard to say. But what is certainly true is that there is an obvious and evident intergenerational, familial elite of hugely wealthy banking families – a power elite, if you will – that does influence human events and seek one-world governance.
With or without the Illuminati, such a power elite certainly exists, so in a sense, controversy over the existence and goals of the modern Illuminati is somewhat beside the point.
A religion postulates some sort of external authority with powers above and beyond what are commonly considered the human purview.
Often the authority has anthropomorphic aspects and may be seen as interacting in one way or another with humanity – and may even live nearby though in an inaccessible location.
Religion is usually part of the fabric of every day life, with aspects both mundane and supernatural. The mundane, or liturgical side of religion would deal with prayers and offerings interwoven with a person's normal living experiences. But often religion includes mysteries that can only be interpreted by a designated intermediary – a priest or shaman.
Many religions include ancestor worship, veneration of the dead. Religions also focus on nature-worship, expressing gratitude for natural blessings and life-sustaining resources. Religions usually have moral attributes as well, focusing on various attributes that sustain social virtues and ease personal commerce within the community.
A religion, by definition, tends to be seen as more formal than "faith" or personal faith. Religion implies a doctrine that may have been passed down – and elaborated on – from generation to generation. There are forms and procedures inherent in religion that worshippers usually observe and even methodologies that prescribe appropriate behaviors for expressions of belief.
Religion has been observed with some negativity in the 20th and 21st century, mostly because of socialist and Marxist interpretations of religion. These interpret religious beliefs as a methodology of control that substitutes a bountiful afterlife for achievement and creature comforts during the person's lifetime.
Another criticism of religion is that it stirs negative passions and incites violence as believers will try to convert others to their faith by whatever means necessary. This latter point of view, especially, may be seen as something of a canard. Religion, when examined historically, does not seem to involve organized violence unless linked to a formal political structure.
The Roman Catholic Church of hundreds of years ago was objectionable, for instance, because it was an admixture of theology and state power. Today's Church, in our view, is less objectionable because there is less intermingling (certainly overt) between church and state.
It is unfortunate that humanity's spiritual hunger is available for manipulation by the most powerful among us. Yet lacking state coercion, a dominant social theme is hardly actionable. It is, then, merely an opinion to which one can subscribe or not as he or she chooses. Seen from this point of view, the DOMESTIC religious aspect of the power-elite thematic, is dysfunctional if not defunct.
For instance, in the West, "radical Islam exists and is evil" is no longer an opinion once the power of the state has been brought into play to act upon the meme. State coercion is alive and well as once the religious elements of the "other" are seen as a national security risk.
It is only when the state itself becomes involved in a religious promotion that organized destruction – and even genocide – may result.
It is not religion, even organized religion, which is the problem, but the coercive power of the state that utilizes faith-based organizations to realize non-spiritual, parochial goals.
A meme is a dominant social theme with the strength for propagation from one generation to another.
A dominant social theme is a belief system (usually concerning a purported social or natural problem) promoted by the monetary or power elite. The related problem, as it is presented, may be centered on people themselves (overpopulation) or be caused by people (global warming).
A dominant social theme typically is launched from one or more centers of the elite's global architecture, such as the United Nations, World Bank, World Trade Organization or World Health Organization. The theme is then rebroadcast by the mainstream media. Dominant social themes are notable for their resistance to contrary evidence, and they invariably imply a need for unaccountable, elite authorities to impose a solution.
With sufficient repetition in the mass media (including "news" and entertainment presentations) and through enshrinement in school curricula, a dominant social theme can become so engrained in the public mind that it is passed from one generation to the next, as though it were folk wisdom. It becomes virtually exempt from questioning.
The fear of over-population is a meme, as the worry now has spanned generations. A generalized fear that the world may run out of resources, including basic resources such as oil and water, appears on its way to becoming a meme.
According to various sources, The British scientist Richard Dawkins presented the term in his book, The Selfish Gene (1976). It was his idea that a meme encapsulated the spread of ideas and could evolve in some sense as a gene could. The term has become very popular over the decades, especially since the advent of the Internet which could be seen, in some sense, as validating the concept.
American Civil War
The American Civil War (1861–1865) is also known as the War Between the States. Eleven Southern slave states formed the Confederate States of America, which was headed by Jefferson Davis. The U.S. federal government mustered 20 so-called free states and five slave states.
For some reason the Confederacy – instead of choosing to fight a guerilla war that doubtless would have been successful – chose to fight within classical parameters. These included large standing armies and accepted military tactics of the day. It took four terrible years, but given the North's preponderance of people and indusry, the result was preordained. The South surrendered, slavery was outlawed and "Reconstruction" began.
Even today, the legacy of the Civil War in the South is a kind of open wound. Confederate commander Robert E. Lee is a folk hero and battles such as Gettysburg continue to be celebrated and reenacted. It was Ulysses S. Grant and Union general William Tecumseh Sherman who brought the South to its knees. Grant fought Lee directly, while Sherman launched a bloody Southern march, burning whole cities as he went. Lee signed unconditional surrender papers at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865. Grant accepted them.
The war resulted in the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and probably just as many if not more civilian casualties. An astounding 30 percent of all younger Southern white males died versus about 10 percent for the North. The war was the bloodiest ever fought on American soil and probably one of the bloodiest civil wars ever prosecuted.
While the legacy of the Civil War is debatable, the passions it arouses have not gone away. 21st century revisionist history (mostly libertarian) holds that the unintended or unexpected outcome of the civil war was a massive increase in federal power. Without the right to secede, states were helpless to combat the juggernaut of federal power and the result was an enormous flood of laws and regulations that started in the 19th century and increased in the 20th.
Today, the US Federal government is truly Leviathan, the feared authoritarian titan that brooks no resistence to the lunacy that passes for legislation. US$200 trillion in debt according to some estimates, fighting serial wars throughout the world, oppressing its citizens in manifold ways at home, Leviathan has long verged out of control. The shadowy Anglo-American elites that conspire to create world government – and no doubt prosecuted the Civil War with just this goal in mind – remain regnant and in some ways are more powerful than ever.
Without the rise of the Internet, as has been observed, the Anglosphere would be well on its way toward formal world government. But the ‘Net itself has provided considerable pushback. The uncontrolled expansion of the federal government that began with the Civil War is being frustrated now not by Southern states but by information that has revealed the true plans of the powers-that-be and thus made them far more difficult to implement.
Gary Allen
Who was he: Gary Allen was a conservative journalist and certainly best known and remembered for his book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, which was co-authored by Larry Abraham, a friend of several of The Daily Bell elves. The book was a best seller in 1972, selling over 5 million copies during the 1972 election and millions since that time. Allen's book introduced many Americans to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and their plans for a new world order.
Basically Allen's hypothesis is that these organizations are front groups for the banking and monetary elites we now describe as the Anglo-American Axis. This is a power elite of very wealthy families out to achieve permanent global governance. We hope many of you will read his somewhat dated book and take advantage of the extensive research to learn more about the real enemies of freedom and free-markets in combination with what we provide today at The Daily Bell.
Background: Gary Allen was born on August 2, 1936 and after high school Allen majored in history at Stanford University and also attended California State University. Allen was very active in the John Birch Society as well as a valued member of their American Opinion Speaker's Bureau.
In addition Allen wrote speeches for presidential candidate George Wallace and many editorials for the American Opinion magazine as well as Conservative Digest. Allen's major accomplishment was writing a number of books on the elites and their goal of establishing a new world order.
In his best-selling book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, even the title attempted to counter the establishment media propaganda to the effect that there were no secret conspiracies and even suggesting one existed was beyond the boundary of responsible journalism.
The book made four important points, which have since been vindicated by political, economic and monetary events since 1972. First Allen suggested that the political/economic system of the West (remember at the time the world was divided between communism and democracy) was a conspiracy which began in the early 20th century with the progressive era. We believe the Anglo-American Axis is far older than this.
Second, Allen believed one of their major goals was to create an income tax system to steal money from the lower and middle classes.
While this is correct, today the coming value added tax (VAT) and many other taxes and fees are used to get even more wealth.
Third, the conspiracy desired to establish a central bank like the Federal Reserve System but to hide the ownership and who benefited from its actions. Here we also agree with Allen but suggest the battle to create the bank began after the death of the Articles of Confederation and moved to center stage as a result of the manufactured Civil War.
Fourth Gary Allen said they wanted to allow the central bank to hold the national debt and to expand the national debt through wars and conflicts. If you look at Washington's national debt explosion from 1972 until today in 2011, they certainly have met their objectives.
Allen postulated a rigid, tight, centralized control structure. However there are other interpretations. In fact, the elites may operate via competing factions and a decentralized hierarchy where some current events and elite actions are dictated from above.
What is indisputable is that the progress of the Anglo Power Elite depends in large part on secrecy and on the implementation of fear-based dominant social themes used to control the expanding populace and to further consolidate wealth and power. These themes are promoted through an intricate array of think tanks, universities and government organizations that first present the concept or problem and then provide authoritarian solutions.
The elites do the same thing with major investments such as the stock and bond markets and real estate where the investing public follow financial themes promoted by Wall Street and when the limit of gullible investors is reached, the markets fall and the monetary elites are usually on the other side of the transaction thus making profits on both sides of the investment market. When they are wrong or events impact their timing or plans, then even losing situations are covered now by government bailouts.
An interesting aside on Gary Allen is although Allen died young from complications of diabetes at age 50 on November 29, 1986, his interest in politics is carried on by a son. One of Gary Allen's children is Michael Allen, born in 1964 and one of the most followed political journalists and reporters in Washington, DC. Michael Allen is the chief political reporter for Politico and everyone in politics from the left to the right reads his daily blog first thing every morning. Unlike his dad, a political outsider, Michael has become the ultimate reporter for politics and power on the inside of Washington and Allen also claims to never have read any of his father's books or writings.
Gary Allen was a true American patriot and everyone in the freedom movement owes him a debt of thanks for his efforts and the many books he wrote about those who would enslave and control the world. At the time, Allen was forced to rely on the print media and an almost total blackout of his work by the mainstream media establishment except when they sought to criticize his research and ideas. We applaud Gary Allen's work.
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Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"
by Andrew Gavin Marshall article link
June 16, 2011 | Global Research
Global Research home page http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=home
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) versus Bliderberg: Where are Real Decisions Being Made?
by Eric Walberg article link
June 22, 2011 | Global Research
Empire Games: Who Writes the Rules?
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June 12, 2011 | Global Research

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