The Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko
Thirteen Interesting Facts About Liberty
Episode-653 program link (mp3)
April 28th, 2011
Today we examine liberty to truly understand what we are working for with self sufficient lifestyles. Liberty seems like a simple concept at first, are you free or not? But what really defines freedom, what really is the difference between liberty and captivity and are their shades of gray that deceive us?
Join me today as we discuss these thirteen facts about liberty…
Liberty can not exist in a pure democracy
Liberty can not be defined except by the one experiencing it
Government can not create liberty only defend it
Liberty is about equal opportunity not equal results
Liberty must be defended by the individual
Liberty is a right that comes with many responsibilities
Liberty can be frightening
Liberty isn’t getting everything you want
Liberty isn’t always “pretty”
Liberty requires a crime to have a victim
Liberty means others will do things you don’t like
We are not born into liberty, we are born into captivity
Liberty is something we grow into
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