America Surrenders
by Barry Ferguson article link article link
November 18, 2010 | Financial Sense | Silver Bear Cafe
The sad tale of the greatest country in the world unwilling to fight.
I always wondered what it would feel like. A collective will is broken. A great people are humbled. Concessions are made. The symbolic white flag is raised. Surrender is offered. Control is conceded. Power is transferred. A new era begins. 'America' surrenders. It is not a good feeling.
Her people have been demoralized and humiliated by the turnstiles of indiscriminate personal invasion at airports. They have been bullied and intimidated by government regulators wielding authoritarian power. They have had their land and property seized. Their currency has long been hijacked. Skyscrapers have been imploded, military engagements have been fallaciously deployed, and financial promises have been rescinded. American ingenuity and courage have been supplanted by ignorance and cowardice. America can't control her borders, can't control her currency, can't control her economy, can't control her debt, and now entertains words of defeat - 'default' and 'bankruptcy'. America has been through war and she is tired. She surrendered to the Federal Reserve Bank with the acceptance of QE2.
No, there was no military battle and there was no conquering army. America cannot be defeated by conventional military tactics. But America has surrendered to the banker elite. The banker elite poisoned her with profound ignorance and broke her will with virulent debt. They positioned their primary weapon under the noses of her imbecilic Congress (Ron Paul excluded) in Washington and disguised it as the Federal Reserve Bank. Those with functioning brains cells know it to be neither 'Federal' nor a 'Reserve'. But their numbers are minuscule compared to those eager to embrace the idea of a benevolent omniscient omnipotent currency genie. It has been a long and persistent battle. But with the implementation and acceptance of the Fed's QE2, it seems America has finally conceded. She went down without a whimper or hardly a protest. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, without another trillion dollar injection, we risk economic and market calamity. Likewise, according to a heroin pusher, we need another fix. To avoid that scenario, all America has to do is submit to an large debt issuance that the Fed promises to buy and the Fed will let its subjects keep their big houses, shiny cars, and charge cards for a while longer. America has given up control, capital, and currency. She has also spurned the responsibility of credit and self-reliance. The banker elites have finally won. How did they do it? What happens now? We can only pray that God sends us another Andrew Jackson!
First we need to understand the conquerers. Their primary weapons are control of currency and credit. Consider the following quotation from United States Banker Magazine:
"Our top leaders are perfectly aware of the truth. They are presently working at establishing an imperialism of the capital to rule the world. But while they are implementing this plan, they must keep the people busy with political antagonisms."
"We'll therefore speed up the question of reform in the custom rates by the political organization called the Democratic Party; and we'll put the spotlight on the question of protection and of the reciprocity by the Republican Party."
And further:
"By dividing the electorate this way, we'll be able to have them spend their energies at struggling amongst themselves on questions that, for us, have no importance whatsoever, and on which we only touch upon as instructors of the common flock."
Some readers may be familiar with this passage. Most would be surprised to learn that these lines were taken from manuscript first published in 1892 and reprised in different publications through the years. For this article, the following website was used as a source of the text.
As for their strategy, they have not deviated. Again, from 1892:
"Let us make use of the courts... When, through the law's intervention, the common people shall have lost their homes, they will be more easy to control and more easy to govern. and they shall not be able to resist the strong hand of the government acting in accordance with... the control of the leaders of finance." - United States Bankers magazine, 1892 quoted in the Michael Journal, Jan. - Feb., 2003
Clearly, the banker elite have been intent on capturing America for some time and in fact, since the beginning of her sovereignty. Their weapon has been the ability to sell and extend credit in place of real money. The credit weapon is most efficient when detonated from a central location. The banker cartel cleverly waited until the European Central Bank (ECB) was established to rule the European Union members before making the final assault. Now the Fed controlled the US and the ECB controlled Europe. Both central banks could now work through the BIS to expand indebtedness with the use of derivatives and credit default swaps. The real estate bomb was activated. We, the people, took the bait of available credit from the bankers like Eve took the apple from the serpent. The participating banks incurred no risks in extending credit to customers as they were 'guaranteed' to survive by the central banks imposing their 'too big to fail' status. You can read my previous article entitled, Watch Your Asterisk to learn that even the trillion-plus MBS paper on the Fed's balance sheet is 'guaranteed' by the taxpayer through Fannie and Freddie. The bomb went off with the collapse of real estate. Luetinents like Henry Paulson were dispensed to get the original surrender documents signed. TARP and QE1 quickly followed.
Now we have to understand the conquered. The war, the attacks, and the surrender have all been carried out by well educated, well spoken, well dressed gentlemen who all claim to be on our side. They have all worked to keep the Dow Jones Industrial Average bouyant so the populous's 401(k)s illuminate the illusion of prosperity. This 'illusion of prosperity' has come at a great toll as the average American has seen their real estate values contracted, their wages garnished by the taxation of inflation and government spending, their futures forfeited to a cripled economy, and their currency's purchasing power diminished. The ignorant populus feeds from a bucket of oats while a new master fits them for a bridle and a saddle. Rockets could be fired from a Chinese submarine just off our western coast and the average American would be more concerned about their favorite dancing star on a television program. Money has always been a source of righteous seduction. Likewise, debt has always been the conduit of fiscal glutony. And credit is the irresistible seducer pimped by the banks and covetted by the populace. We wanted more than we could handle. Now we are on all fours with a nefarious banker on our back gouging his spurs into our flanks.
The elite bankers are the victors and the Fed's launch of QE2 is the equivalent to their raising their own flag over Washington. America must now admit that she can't make it on her own. She can't operate her own economy. She can't print her own currency. She can't live under a capitalist philosophy whereby bankrupt banks are allowed to declare bankruptcy. America no longer has the courage to guide her own course or face the truth. Clearly the American people have ceded control over their currency to the Federal Reserve but have now also ceded control of the entire economy. I could give you quotes from the Rothschilds concerning the control of currency and real power but I think we all know that ultimate control over an economy rests in the lap of the currency dispensor. In case you have been watching MSNBC non-stop, that would be the Federal Reserve. The Fed's QE2 program will inject roughly $112 billion (the announced $900 billion package divided by the next 8 months) confetti dollars per month for the next eight months into the banks (primarily Goldman, Citi, BofA, and JP Morgan) in exchange for Treasuries and MBS (Mortgage Backed Securities) paper. The economy, the currency, and the Dow Jones Industrials are now in the hands of the Federal Reserve. Will QE2 save America from economic dispare? Let's be honest. Here are a few points to chew on.
1) Is the economy so bad that after a $2 trillion dollar QE1, it now needs another trillion? I thought the government said the recession was over?
2) If QE1 didn't lower unemployment, why would QE2 do the trick?
3) The Fed is using the excuse of potential deflation to prime the currency pump. Yet, and I won't belabor the point, everything in our immediate economy is inflating in price. In my own personal space, my car battery died. Has anyone bought a battery lately? Mine cost $103 dollars! I told the guy installing the battery that I am not that old but I remember batteries costing $50 or $60 dollars. The technician looked to be in his thirties and and said sadly enough he had the same recollection. Deflation? Hardly!
4) The Fed says it wants banks to lend more so therefore they need an injection of cash. Bull-shivers! This is about moving the bad mortgage paper off the bankers' balance sheets and sticking the country with the resulting debt. Treasury purchases are a diversion. War is ugly. If the Fed really wanted to lower the yields on Treasury bonds to make loans more attractive, why don't they buy the bonds or notes directly from the Treasury Department like you and I can? The reason is the Fed is buying America's debts and mortgages with confetti and that kind of money has to be laundered through the banks. Why do they even go to the obvious point to publish the exact time of day that they are going to be buyingTreasuries on the 'open market'? Doesn't that allow the shill banks to 'front-run' the Fed's buy program? Isn't that illegal?
5) Why do we as a people allow the Fed to manipulate our economy? Again, the Fed is not 'Federal'. It is a private bank of foreign ownership. Why would I say that? The Fed is not audited and will not allow such an audit. Only a foreign bank would have that authority to rebuff such attempts. Further, why can't we as a people stand on our own two feet? Why do we need constant injections and stimulus from the monetary ruler? When prices are too high, we quit buying. The economy falls into recession. Prices come down. We save our money. We eventually start buying again. The economy grows. Repeat. That's the grand economic cycle. This Fed is intent on keeping our spending up to deplete the country of real capital that is now in foreign hands. We are easier to contol this way.
6) Given the Fed's lack of sovereignty, why would we let a foreign power absorb all of our debt paper and real estate paper? Sure, the Chinese and Japanese have already accumulated a lot of our debt. But there is a balance of trade, or an imbalance of trade, at work in that equation. What if a foreign bank in a land with no trading relationship with the US announced a large Treasury purchase? Would we protest? What if Iran announced they were buying a trillion of our Treasury debt? What if Cuba announced they were buying a trillion of our currency debt? Would we allow that to happen? Would we surrender to them? Other countries like Brazil are currently applying hefty taxation to foreign buyers of their debt as an impediment to this parasitic practice.
7) Surely without Fed manipulation, we could anticipate several developments. The Treasury would have to offer higher interest coupons to sell debt thus driving up interest rates. The stock market would fall considerably. The economy would resume a necessary recessionary course. The currency would probably strengthen. Aren't these the very events the Fed is trying to avert? As a people, Americans cannot live with a falling stock market. America can no longer accept reality. Thus, she has waved the white flag.
8) QE2 or QE3 or whatever will finally launder all the bad mortgage debt from the banks' balance sheets. America's debt will soon surmount the $14,000,000,000,000.00 mark with no peak in sight. More and more of the county's assets will go to pay the interest on the debt. How again, does the country benefit from Fed intervention? Most importantly, that's not even the point. The Fed Chairman's job is to look after the well-being of the Fed!
What happens now? I suspect at some point the Fed will engineer another 'false flag' event to drive stock indices much lower. They will seize upon the opportunity and reach out to the American people who will be cowering beneath their vastly reduced retirement funds. The Fed will likely offer to make the funds whole if the owners agree to convert to a government sponsored annuity. At that point, the Fed will be the largest 'economy' in the world. What would be their production? Slave labor of course. The central bank has proven they will stop at nothing. They are tenacious and persistent. Those who stand in their way have been crushed (except for Andrew Jackson). History has taught us that much. Let me close with a quote from former President, James Garfield.
"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce ... and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." - 1881. President James Garfield - Howard, Milford Wriarson, The American Plutocracy, (New York, Holland Publishing Co. 1895) P. 158
A few weeks after making this statement, Garfield was assassinated (July 2, 1881). The truth can be dangerous.
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